For accuracy in implant positioning or to locate missing root canals. It is also useful for orthodontic treatment.
Can accommodate up to 10 cars.
Many waiting area seating to allow social distancing.
Latest technology. They are used for gum surgery, wisdom teeth removal, root canal treatment, and fillings. The advantage of them are pain decrease and less bleeding during surgery.
They are used for the highest precision in various dental treatments such as fillings, root canal treatments, implants and crowns.
Using touchless sensors automatic doors to reduce the need for physical contact with the door and the rooms are sterilized with UV-C + OZONE to reduce the spread of germs in the air.
With the uses of advance Computer Aid Design (CAD) and Computer Aid Milling (CAM) combine with our skilled dentists and technicians, teethworks are more precise and high quality.
Steam sterilization with autoclave, high level disinfectant immersion and UV-C + OZONE sterilization.
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